Gen. Soleimani, al-Muhandis played important part in countering terrorism: envoy

TEHRAN- Iran’s ambassador to Iraq stressed on Friday that Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy chief of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) played a pivotal part in the victory over terrorism.
Speaking with Iraq's Al-Ahd News Agency on the commemoration of the 3rd martyrdom anniversary of the two resistance commanders, Ambassador Mohammad-Kazem Ale-Sadeq noted that “those martyr commanders shouldered the heavy burden of encountering Daesh terrorists, and martyr Soleimani rushed to Iraq during the first hours of the Daesh invasion of Iraq.”
The Iranian ambassador stated that the Jihadi efforts of General Soleimani and his companion warrior al-Muhandis remain memorable, as their preparations led to the breakdown of the terrorists in their operations in Iraq.
Based on the remarks made by Ale-Sadeq, many of the young individuals living in the region are now graduates of the school that General Soleimani founded for resistance against terrorism.
In reference to General Soleimani's leadership in the fight against terrorism, the ambassador stated, "It is impossible even to list the innumerable services offered by martyr Soleimani during the years of his proliferous life in various levels and in various fields."
Donald Trump, the former U.S. president, ordered the assassination of both General Soleimani and al-Muhandis in early January 2020 near Baghdad’s international airport.
Daesh celebrated the assassination of General Soleimani, the legendary commander in the fight against terrorism.
General Soleimani saved thousands of lives from Daesh terrorists, whose savagery rattled the world.
Daesh terrorists, whose barbaric acts made al-Qaeda look rather moderate, butchered men of different sects and enslaved women.
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